

Tempest in the Colosseum was recorded on July 23, 1977 in Tokyo's Den-En Colosseum. Musicians in this landmark performance were Herbie Hancock on keyboards, Freddie Hubbard on trumpet, Tony Williams on drums, Ron Carter on bass, and Wayne Shorter on tenor and soprano saxophones. The recording was originally released in late 1977, as a Japan-only release issued on the Columbia label.

  1. "Eye of the Hurricane" (Hancock) - 16:38
  2. "Diana" (Shorter) - 4:31 Native Dancer in 1974
  3. "Eighty-One" (Carter) - 13:08 1st recorded on Miles's E.S.P. in 1965
  4. "Maiden Voyage" (Hancock) - 11:55 0500
  5. "Lawra" (Williams) - 8:23
  6. "Red Clay" (Hubbard) - 14:15
V.S.O.P.: The Quintet  不是巡迴的最佳錄音,五日後他們在日本東京 Den-En Colosseum 錄製的 Tempest in the Colosseum  (上圖右),其歌曲結構更緊實,也更有發揮性.用『Tempest』來形容這場演出真是適切,與V.S.O.P.: The Quintet  的曲目迥異, Tempest in the Colosseum  演奏哥倫比亞時期之前的作品,顯然比 V.S.O.P.: The Quintet  更為醒耳.

不過 all music 也在樂評中留下評斷,認為從 60 年代 Miles 五重奏樂迷的角度而言, Freddie Hubbard 取代 Miles 位置沒有適得其所, Hubbard 表現方式如疾風勁草,樂風強烈,與 Miles 差異頗多.

只有 Lawra  一曲複自原五重奏 ; 不過相對而言新的五重奏也因此獲得延伸和發展.尾曲由 Hubbard 撰寫的經典 Red Clay  有轉折效果.

V.S.O.P. 巡迴對 Hancock 音樂上的演進而言像是進入臨時休息站,雖然五重奏重返咆勃爵士樂懷抱,但這場巡迴對 80 年代與 90 年代爵士樂壇的影響力,卻不容小覷.
又是一張 japan only

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