

 a soundtrack album by Herbie Hancock featuring music composed for Dino De Laurentiis' film Death Wish
"Death Wish (Main Title)" - 6:14
"Joanna's Theme" - 4:46 主角老婆主題曲 舒服優美的1970弦樂
"Do a Thing" - 2:13 Capone N Noreaga "Neva Die Alone"
"Paint Her Mouth" - 2:17
"Rich Country" - 3:46
"Suite Revenge: a) Striking Back, b) Riverside Park, c) the Alley" - 9:25約6分多緊張刺激
"Ochoa Knose" - 2:08
"Party People" - 3:33 0250的不協調
"Fill Your Hand" - 6:16 0100的funky不協調 緊接著延續出blaxploitation 卻又帶著 鋼琴即興
All compositions by Herbie Hancock
1974 年為惡名昭彰的賣座電影《猛龍怪客》(Death Wish - 右圖) 製作 配樂,電影內容主張以暴制暴再度引發爭議話題.

Hancock 為墨守成規,了無新意的電影配樂注入新血, Jerry Peters 加入必要的管弦樂,吉他的哇哇器顯示 Hancock 的 funk 音樂將要出頭天,同名開場曲為專輯標明註腳 - Hancock 透過延遲,迴音效果的電鋼琴詮釋緊張,有條理的氛圍 - 還要再加上保守的管弦樂.

唱片製作的點子不賴,但除去電影畫面後,音樂似乎也無法與電影建立關聯,雖然 Death Wish 僅獲得 all music 兩星評價,換個角度, Death Wish也為電影配樂開創新領域.
導演女友是因為headhunters這張專輯 所以推薦賀比給導演
Watson met Herbie Hancock when the two played on Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" session in 1973. Herbie called Wah Wah to work with him on Death Wish, and that was the beginning of their long relationship.
Capone N Noreaga - Neva Die Alone
Calibro 35 - Death Wish Pt.1 & 2
Hell Yeah / Death Wish Theme - Dead Prez

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